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Memory Bracelets

Memory bracelets are a fantastic accessory to be worn all year round.  Hand made from metallic wire that you coil around to fit, that then snaps back into its shape once removed.  From a single ring (to fit once around your wrist) to 2, 3 or 4 rings - your bracelet may fit your wrist, upper arm or ankle and require no fastenings or closures.  Each bracelet is made with glass & acrylic beads and finished with a charm. They can also be customised to make a 'Memory of a Memory' - a lasting personalised tribute that reminds you of a loved one every time you wear it. 
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Showing 1 - 4 of 4 products

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Customised Memory Bracelet MEM0009

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 Choose your own colour theme, length & charm to match your own style. Make super gifts.

 Choose your own colour theme, length & charm to match your own style. Make super gifts.